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Can You Put Epsom Salt in a Plug And Play Hot Tub?

Put Epsom Salt in a Plug And Play Hot Tub

Plug-and-play hot tubs, often called inflatable or portable hot tubs, provide the relaxing soaking experience of a traditional hot tub in a convenient, affordable package ready to use anytime. Their ease of inflation and deflation makes it simple to set up these hot tubs outdoors during nice weather or bring them indoors as needed.

However, this flexibility and simplicity also introduce limitations in customizing the water compared to permanent hot tubs. A common question new inflatable hot tub owners have is whether Epsom salt can be added to the water safely, as is commonly done in larger built-in hot tubs for various therapeutic benefits. Unfortunately, most manufacturers advise against using any kind of salts or other unapproved products in their inflatable spa models.

In the sections below, I’ll take a closer look at what exactly Epsom salt is, why people use it in hot tubs, the risks it poses to inflatable hot tubs, and some alternative options for enjoying its advantages without compromising your portable spa.

Getting the facts on whether Epsom salt can be used in a plug and play hot tub will help set proper expectations and inform accessories decisions. Keep reading to learn the key considerations around this popular hot tub salt.

What is Epsom Salt?

Epsom salt is not a salt, but a mineral compound comprised of magnesium and sulfate. Some key facts about Epsom salt:

  • The chemical formula is MgSO4·7H2O
  • Naturally occurring minerals often extracted from mineral springs
  • Available cheaply in most drug stores and grocers
  • Commonly used to help relieve muscle soreness and stress

When dissolved in water, Epsom salt breaks down into magnesium, sulfate, and oxygen molecules. This provides beneficial properties to bath and soak waters.

What Are the Benefits of Using Epsom Salt?

Adding Epsom salt can provide a variety of advantages to hot tub waters:

Relaxation – The magnesium absorbed through the skin helps improve sleep, reduce stress, and relax the nervous system. Many hot tub users report feeling calmer after soaking in water treated with Epsom salts.

Pain Relief – The magnesium in Epsom salt may help reduce inflammation and joint or muscle pain when absorbed into the skin while soaking. This makes it popular for recovery after exercise.

Detoxification – Some claim the sulfates in Epsom salt help detoxify the body by improving liver and digestive health and flushing toxins. However, research is limited to detoxification impacts specifically.

Skin Health – The sulfur found in Epsom salt may help reduce acne, oily skin, and skin inflammation, and even treat certain skin infections. Soaking with it can soften skin, exfoliate dead skin cells, and clean pores.

Draw Out Infections – Epsom salt baths may help draw out splinters, infections, or abscesses in the skin when used appropriately as recommended by a medical professional.

Can You Put Epsom Salt in a Plug And Play Hot Tub?

Is It Safe to Use Epsom Salt in an Inflatable Hot Tub?

The benefits of Epsom salt may sound appealing for an inflatable hot tub environment. However, unlike traditional hot tubs, most manufacturers advise against using salts of any kind in their inflatable spa models.

There are a few key reasons Epsom salts may compromise a plug-and-play hot tub system:

Pump and Filtration Damage

The pump and filtration systems used in inflatable hot tubs are more compact and operate differently than those in built-in hot tubs. Their materials and components may be damaged by salt in the water over time. This could lead to reduced performance or complete failure down the road.

Water Chemistry Imbalance

Achieving the proper water pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels is crucial in inflatable hot tubs. Adding salts can throw off water chemistry and make it much harder to balance. This may lead to unsafe water quality or extra maintenance work to stabilize levels.

Material Degradation

The vinyl and other materials used to construct inflatable hot tub walls and accessories may degrade faster when exposed to salt compounds. Salt could therefore shorten the overall life of the hot tub components.

Voided Warranties

Most inflatable hot tub manufacturers explicitly state that adding Epsom salt or other salts voids their warranty coverage. So if salt caused issues down the road, repairs would come entirely out of the owner’s pocket.

Alternatives to Enjoy Epsom Salt Benefits

While adding Epsom salts directly in an inflatable hot tub is not recommended, you can still enjoy some of its advantages safely using these alternative ideas:

  • Soak feet in an Epsom salt foot bath before/after hot tub use
  • Use Epsom salt scrub or bath salts on the skin before hot tubbing
  • Add essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, etc. to water instead of salts
  • Switch to a built-in hot tub in the future that allows salt use

Ultimately, be sure to consult your specific hot tub’s owner’s manual to understand what is approved or could void the warranty. While tempting to add for potential benefits, Epsom salt in a plug-and-play hot tub unfortunately comes with too many risks to pumps, water quality, and the unit’s lifespan. Carefully weigh whether missing out on its advantages is worth preserving your hot tub’s functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add just a little Epsom salt?

No, adding any amount goes against most manufacturers’ guidance and may start to cause damage to components and water chemistry.

What about other types of salt like Himalayan or Dead Sea salt?

As with Epsom salts, most inflatable hot tub makers advise against adding any kind of salt to the water. All salt types come with similar risks.

Can I mix Epsom salt with other essential oils or ingredients?

It’s best to avoid mixing other products with Epsom salt before adding to your inflatable hot tub, as this may further increase risks. Check that any essential oils, bath scrubs, or other spa products are explicitly deemed safe for your hot tub model.

If salt damages my hot tub, will repairs be covered by warranty?

Unfortunately no. Using salts or any other unauthorized products in your hot tub almost always voids the manufacturer’s warranty coverage, meaning you would pay for any related damages down the road.

The Bottom Line

While using Epsom salt in a traditional built-in hot tub is generally considered safe when following usage guidelines, most inflatable hot tub manufacturers prohibit its use due to potential damage to components, water chemistry, and materials when used long-term.

Check your owner’s manual for your particular hot tub’s approved accessories list, and consider alternative options if the benefits of Epsom salt appeal to you.

Maintaining proper water conditions and following your hot tub maker’s guidance is key to ensuring safe, effective, and relaxing hot tub sessions over your inflatable spa’s lifetime.

Jennifer Walton
Jennifer Walton

I'm Jennifer Walton, My passion for wellness and home comfort led me to explore the world of plug-and-play hot tubs.

Whether you're new to hot tubs or looking to upgrade, my goal is to provide clear, practical advice to simplify your decision-making process.

Join me at Plug and Play Hot Tub, where I'll assist you in navigating the choices and considerations for your perfect hot tub experience.

Articles: 26

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